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To make arrangements to baptize your infant, please contact the parish office at 860-349-3058 and make an appointment with Rev. Jan Swiderski. You must be registered parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Parish to have your child baptized at our parish.

First Communion

As Catholics, we know that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has called it the "Sacrament of Love". For children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion, this is a joyous day of celebration. 


Grace for Fullness of Faith and Life.

There is a close relationship between the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.

While Confirmation is a distinct and complete sacrament in its own right, its purpose is to perfect in us that which was begun in Baptism. We might say—in a sense—that we are baptized in order to be confirmed.


Marriage preparation must begin one year prior to the wedding. To schedule a wedding, you must contact the parish office at 860-349-3058. 


Many Catholics treasure the sacrament of Reconciliation.

The peace of mind and soul which this sacrament imparts to us is one for which there is no substitute. It is a peace that flows from a certainty, rather than from an unsure hope, that our sins have been forgiven and that we are right with God. Join us for reconciliation at Notre Dame Church every Saturday at 3pm.

Anointing the Sick

This sacrament serves as a channel for special graces from God that comfort and heal, physically and/or spiritually, people who are seriously ill and in danger of death.

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St. Colman's Church, 170 Hubbard Street, Middlefield, CT 06455

Notre Dame Church, 280 Main Street, Durham, CT 06422

Tel: 860 - 349 - 3058 | Email:


*All mail should be sent to Our Lady of Mercy Parish Office, 272 Main Street, Durham, CT 06422

 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am-3pm


 Faith Formation Office Hours: Fri: 9am-2pm

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